MARINE: Ethyl-EPA reduces triglyceride levels without raising LDL cholesterol
Ethyl eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a semisynthetic derivative of omega-3 fatty acids, significantly lowers triglyceride levels in patients with very high triglyceride levels without significantly increasing LDL-cholesterol levels.
Top-line results of the MARINE trial, a randomized, placebo-controlled trial testing ethyl-EPA in 229 patients with triglyceride levels >500 mg/dL, were announced today by Amarin Corporation. During a conference call to analysts, investors, and media, the company reported that the 2-g and 4-g dose of AMR101, as the ethyl-EPA is currently known, reduced triglyceride levels 20% and 33%, respectively, all without a significant increase in LDL-cholesterol levels.
"This is the only triglyceride-lowering therapy studied in this population with very high triglycerides to show a lack of elevation in LDL cholesterol," said Dr Paresh Soni, senior vice president and head of drug development at Amarin.