India mulling ban on use of CFC-based inhalers for asthma, COPD

India is mulling more regulations to reduce the use of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in metered dose inhalers (MDI) used for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), even as efforts are being taken to further push the ongoing campaign for the use of CFC-free alternatives in the country, in line with the Montreal protocol.

The authorities are taking views of the stakeholders to put in place regulations on priority to reduce dependence of CFC after launching the campaign for phasing out the CFCs. The ministries of health and environment would further interact with all the concerned including the pharma industry on the regulatory measures that can be introduced in this regard, sources said. 

They are also weighing options including controlling the sale and distribution of CFC based MDIs and also banning manufacturing and import of CFC based MDIs with salbutamol, among other options. However, major agenda will be to evolve more mechanisms for phasing out these, it is learnt.


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